Saturday 19 January 2013

Think Twice Before Biting Into That health Bar It May Be Worse Than A Snickers

Look around you see them all over the place these days, nutrition bars that claim to be healthy and good for weight loss or muscle building, but when you take a closer look at the label, you see a long list of sugars, chemicals, processed trans fats, and other harmful super processed ingredients that add more fat.Walk through your grocery and you notice so many variations of "health bars" and "protein bars" on the market , how do you know if you are actually getting something healthy or just junk food in disguise?

 Use the same mindset you use when grocery shopping, because you need to know how to read labels if you're going to stand a chance at finding a truly healthy food bar.To keep it all the way real with you, most of the bars out there are pure junk... candy bars disguised through labeling as a health food bar.

 A few days ago, I was going to the gym with a friend, when I realized I needed a quick bar to make sure I had enough energy to complete our workout. Well, I didnt have any bars on me, So he gave him an extra slim fast bar that he had in his bag.Now people, keep in mind that slim fast bars are marketed as health foods for losing weight.

Sadly I found out that these things are just a flat out joke, there's nothing even remotely nutritional about them. In my opinion, slim fast bars are WORSE for you than candy bars! I bet you never thought you would hear someone tell you that.The first ingredient in this bar that my friend gave me was corn syrup! When I saw that, I was like wow! Then the second ingredient was sugar (hip hip hooray more sugar!), followed by hydrogenated oils (source of deadly trans fats). After that, the list went on with nothing but junk such as artificial flavors, colors, evil artificial sweeteners, more hydrogenated refined oils, and topped off with some highly processed soy protein isolate, which despite popular belief, processed soy is NOT healthy for you.

 So not only are these "weight loss" bars a disaster nutritionally for you, but besides all the crappy ingredients the bar tasted absolutely horrible! It tasted like chemicals and was way too overly sweetened (not a surprise with all of the sugar, corn syrup, sugar alcohols, AND artificial sweeteners). This is a prime example of "over-engineering" of food. These companies soup up these little bars like fast and furious cars.

 I know youre wondering, how do you tell the difference between a healthy protein bar or energy bar, and a fake?The best thing to do is look for simplicity in a good bar. I will tell you like this, many of the healthiest and tastiest bars I've found have only a couple basic ingredients such as nuts, seeds, and fruit. Thats really all you need. I also look for organic ingredients and raw ingredients if possible.

 Check out some of my favorite truly healthy bars:

 1. Organic Food Bars - This is actually the brand name.
 Depending on which flavor you choose, these are normally a base of organic almond butter (or cashew butter) with a certain type of fruit, organic seeds, organic biosprouts (quinoa, etc), and some organic rice protein. Some flavors include an organic dark chocolate as well. They also have a line of bars that use exclusively raw ingredients. Not only are these bars extremely nutritious, but I think they are delicious as well and have a lot of flavors to choose from such as adventskalender bestellen chocolate chip, blueberry, cranberry, high protein, and more. Nothing taste like cardboard, so you wont have any trouble enjoying them.
 The only thing is that you won't find these bars at your local grocery store, but I you will find them at several health food stores. Just check around

 2. Larabars  These bars right here contain even simpler in ingredients than organic food bars. Nine times out of ten larabars are just 2 or 3 ingredients, and mostly raw... a blend of crushed nuts along with a type of fruit is the usual combination, but they have a lot of different flavors so it can vary.
 These are also very, very delicious and you will NEVER see a list of chemicals a mile long in their ingredient list. Simple IS better. Once you find truly healthy bars like these examples above, they make really great quick snacks while you are traveling or even while you are at work.

 I try not to leave home without them they are on me almost at all times, just to make sure I have healthy options to eat whenever I need a quick snack. I work an overnight shift at a food distribution warehouse filled with junk food, not to mention the cafeterias menu is super greasy with very limited to no healthy choices. My health bars get me through my shift .

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