Everyone can use more money, but money is tight. If you're running a non-profit group it can be especially tough to generate funds. The old go to method to find money for your organization is to have a fundraiser, but everyone is doing that. You'll need to generate some unique fundraiser ideas. If you intend to actually raise money and not just waste your time you will have to really be imaginative. don't just go the way of the chocolate bar. There are many, unique ways to raise money. This guide will help you sort out what you ought to ultimately go with for your fundraising needs, and ultimately, come up with some unique fundraising ideas.
Fundraising is an art. The fundraiser you select is solely dependent on your type of group.
It is wise to think about what you or your organization considers important. Do you care about social justice? If you care about social justice then you might want to consider a fundraiser using Fair Trade products. Nowadays, it seems that everyone seems to be going green. Is your group going eco.? Think organic. Perhaps you ought to sell an environmentally friendly product such as organic coffee. Looking within is definitely a good step. What you, or your company holds dear is the direction you should choose for your fundraising activities.
Now, consider what will make your fundraiser unique. One thing that will really make people identify and want to support your fundraiser is to have a private label. Some companies will use your organization's logo or artwork to create a custom label to reflect your or your group's beliefs. Prices can vary from free to exorbitant amounts for label setup, so it's good to look around.
Where is your group located? It could be there are local companies that can offer fundraising services. If you are located in the middle of nowhere you may have to find an internet fundraiser.
You must keep in mind why you are doing this, to raise money! You need to examine the profit, or margin of the merchandise you are selling. Another good thing to consider is not only the percentage markup, but the actual dollar amount profit per item sold. As you well know, a lot of groups use candy bars for fundraisers. Many of these candy fundraisers have margins as low as 40%, so from your sale of a $1.00 candy bar you are only making 40 cents! As an alternative consider using Fair Trade organic coffee for a fundraiser. You can anticipate to make over five bucks per unit, and the recipients will actually enjoy the product.
Always consider your passion in regards to the item you are selling. If you believe in it, then it will be a much more relaxed sell. If you abhor cookie dough and the increased weight caused by the consumption of said cookie dough, then do not sell it.
Take into consideration your out of pocket expense. Will the fundraising company make you pay money for the whole lot upfront, or will they let you pay later? If you are able to take pre-orders this will help defray any upfront costs. Make positive the fundraising group you find will allow you to mail a check for the items after they're received.
Consider the time lines involved, especially if you're going to be taking pre orders. you'll want to have a guaranteed delivery date for your customers. You'll have to know how long in advance your fundraiser company needs to process your order and how long it will take for your order to reach your destination. You then need to research the logistics of distributing the items to the recipients. If this is a school fundraiser you may want to have people pick up the items at the school on a specific day.
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